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  0845 1300 707

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What our clients say ...

Capita plc Financial, Insurance and Business Management Services  
P&Q client: Capita
Q>TAR has been in place for over twenty five years and has been used as our time recording system for monitoring staff attendance, sickness and holidays. The data captured has been instrumental in ensuring there has been sufficient oversight of the company's staff utilisation across its operation.
During this time, there have been minimal issues with the software in terms of reliability and ease of data access. The hardware, as it has aged, has shown an expected level of reliability, with any fix on fail requirements dealt with efficiently under the annual maintenance agreement.
All in all, the use of Q>TAR has continuously satisfied the needs of the company, and the service provided by P & Q International has been very satisfactory.”
(Tim Sill of Capita plc)

Time and Attendance Readers

QTAR logo

Time and Attendance Readers

We provide a range of Time & Attendance readers for different environments, including offices and factories. For food production, we can supply stainless-steel waterproof readers.

These readers are able to read badges or cards using a variety of technologies, including for example:

K300 Mifare Proximity badge reader

  • Bar-code Badges
  • Magnetic Strip or Magnetic Stripe Badges
  • Proximity Cards – Mifare®, HID®, PAC®, and others, both short and long-distance
  • Smart Cards and RFID cards
  • Proximity Tags and Key-Fobs – Mifare®, HID®, PAC®, iButton® and others
  • Smart Cards and RFID cards

Face recognition and fingerprint reader

Alternatively, you can use Biometric Readers, such as:

  • Face Recognition readers
  • Finger-print or Finger-tip readers
  • Hand geometry readers
  • Iris recognition readers
  • Voice recognition readers

We analyse your requirements and recommend the model that best suits your needs. Some examples of the readers we supply are shown below.

Reader brand compatibility

For details of which manufacturers' equipment we have already interfaced to QTAR, click here >>.

Feedback Kestrel reader in use Feedback rugged reader Feedback IP65 waterproof reader ATS SFDC reader ATS Cyber series reader ATS fingerprint reader in use K300 Fingerprint reader Hand geometry reader in use Hand geometry reader