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To contact a P&Q advisor for more information on any topic, please call:
  0845 1300 707

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What our clients say ...

Capita plc Financial, Insurance and Business Management Services  
P&Q client: Capita
Q>TAR has been in place for over twenty five years and has been used as our time recording system for monitoring staff attendance, sickness and holidays. The data captured has been instrumental in ensuring there has been sufficient oversight of the company's staff utilisation across its operation.
During this time, there have been minimal issues with the software in terms of reliability and ease of data access. The hardware, as it has aged, has shown an expected level of reliability, with any fix on fail requirements dealt with efficiently under the annual maintenance agreement.
All in all, the use of Q>TAR has continuously satisfied the needs of the company, and the service provided by P & Q International has been very satisfactory.”
(Tim Sill of Capita plc)

P&Q International Services

P&Q International plc logo


At P&Q, we deliver more than leading-edge software. All of our products are fully supported by a range of services, designed to ensure that your business is always running smoothly. Our commitment to supporting your project starts with investigating the needs of your business and just keeps going from there. Many of our clients have been using our products and services for over 25 years, and most are household names.

Our services include:

To find out more about these services, click on the links above, or phone us on 0845 1300 707 (or +44 1920 822 800), or fill in the box on the left (then click "Send"), or email a P&Q Advisor.